
Heidi Markovitz, Chief Consultant, established Simply Systems in 1978 to make systematic software development simple for non-technical clients. She felt that in too many instances the client - the folks who needed the programs and systems - were being left out of the design process.

Too often client requirements were only sketchily stated and/or passed to programmers and analysts through intermediaries.


The technical staff then had to guess at what would work for the client. In her consulting practice, Heidi determined to include all levels of client in the discussion of needs and progress throughout the development process. As a result software developed by Simply Systems is effective for all its users, from executives to data entry clerks..


She is a SAS Certified Professional, Application Development V6 and V8. Ms. Markovitz is a graduate of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania with a Masters from Florida International University.
All text and software code Copyright © 2004. All rights reserved. Simply-Systems